Module 1 - Lesson 8

Predicting outcomes

  Making good predictions is the first step to becoming a successful reader.  Predicting outcomes is to make predictions, or guesses.


Predicting outcomes

Practicing exercise

1. What can you look for to help you decide what will happen next in picture or story?

A. letters

B. the title

C. clues

D. the beginning

2. What do you look for in a story that has no pictures, to predict the outcome?
A. picture clues
B. word clues
C. picture and word clues
D. the dictionary

3. Which of the following will help you predict an outcome?
A. feelings
B. prior knowledge
C. setting
D. what is going to happen

4. What is the definition of Predicting Outcomes?
A. Deciding what will happen next
B. Looking for facts and details
C. Determining word meaning
D. Understanding the cause of an event

5. Which of the following could not be used to predict an outcome?:
A. What you saw happen
B. Prior knowledge
C. clues
D. characters names

6. When is it important to predict outcomes?
A. When reading
B. When watching TV
C. When you make a decision
D. All of the above

7. When you are predicting outcomes, it is important to do which of the following?
A. Read the details carefully
B. Look for clues to help you
C. Use your prior knowledge
D. All of the above

8. If a person goes to the pet store and buys an aquarium, fish food, air pump, and gravel you could predict that the person is going to do which of the following?
A. Work at a pet store
B. The person is going to set up an aquarium
C. The person will eat fish for dinner
D. Buy a fishing pole


Predicting outcomes

Practicing exercise-Answer key

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. D

6. D

7. D

8. B



Predicting outcomes


1.      Paul and Melika always have a date on Friday. Paul picks up Melika at 7:00 p.m., and they go to at 7:30 p.m. movie. This Friday, Paul has to work overtime and is running late. When he gets out of the shower, it is already 7:00 p.m.
What probably happens next?

a.      Paul calls Melika and tells her he will be a little late.

b.      Paul decides to call off the date and stays home.

c.      Melika is angry that Paul is late and cancels the date.

d.      Paul reads his e-mail and then leaves to pick up Melika.

2.      Yesterday the sun went away, the sky grew dark, big black clouds puffed up in the sky, and the wind began to blow. What do you predict happened next?

a.      It became a sunny day.

b.      It was about to be day time.

c.      A thunderstorm came and it began to rain.

d.      It was nighttime.

3.      Tim had five candy bars for breakfast, three bags of chips for lunch, and two big pieces of cake for dessert. What do you think will happen next?

a.      He will get a hug from his mother.

b.      He will run outside and play ball.

c.      His stomach will hurt.

d.      His feet will hurt.

4.      Ms Stevens' third grade class was shouting very loudly in the cafeteria. Ms Stevens looked angry. What do you predict will happen next?

a.      Ms Stevens began shouting with them.

b.      Ms Stevens ate her lunch.

c.      Ms Stevens graded a Spelling test.

d.      Ms Stevens asked them to stop shouting.

5.      Katie was telling her friends a very funny story about a trick her dog can do. Her friends thought it was very funny. What do you predict her friends did next?

a.      They laughed.

b.      They cried out with fear.

c.      They got mad.

d.      They went home sad.

6.      Foreshadowing is

a.      What has happened in the past

b.      What is going on in the present

c.      Hints

d.      When a writer gives a hint of what will happen in the future

7.      Patty practiced her spelling words every night. She did her spelling homework each night also. What do you predict will happen next?

a.      She will eat a pizza.

b.      She will cry.

c.      She will get a good grade.

d.      She will get a bad grade.

8.      Sam looked up at the cloudy sky and heard thunder. What do you predict will happen next?

a.      It will snow.

b.      It will rain.

c.      The leaves will fall.

d.      The sun will shine.

9.      Nan was at the beach all day long. She forgot to put suntan lotion on her body. What do you predict will happen next?

a.      She will get a sunburn.

b.      She will swim in the ocean.

c.      She will make a sandcastle.

d.      She will eat an apple.



Predicting outcomes

Quiz-Answer key

  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A


Predicting outcomes


1. What is the definition of Predicting Outcomes?

A. determining the meaning of a word
B. looking for facts and details
C. deciding what will happen next
D. understanding the effect of an event

2. When you are predicting outcomes, it is important to do which of the
A. read the details carefully

B. use what you already know

C. look for clues to help you

D. all of the above
3. When is it important to predict outcomes?

A. when reading

B. when you make a decision

C. when you are watching a movie

D. all of the above

4. Which of the following will help you predict an outcome?

A. what is going to happen

B. prior knowledge

C .the copyright date

D. feelings

5. What can you look for to help you decide what will happen next in a
picture or story?

A. letters

B. numbers

C. the beginning

D. clues
6. If a person goes to the grocery store and buys a head of lettuce, a
tomato, a cucumber, and salad dressing, you could predict that the person is going to do which of the following?

A. the person will bake a cake

B. the person is going to set up an aquarium

C. the person will eat fish for dinner

D. the person will make a salad

7. Which of the following could not be used to predict an outcome?

A. what you saw happen

B. the length of the story

C. clues

D. prior knowledge
8. What do you look for in a story that has no pictures, to predict the

A. the glossary

B. word clues

C. picture and word clues

D. picture clues

Predicting outcomes

Test-Answer key

1. c

2. d

3. d

4. b

5. d

6. d

7. b

8. b

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