Module 1 - Lesson 9

Drawing conclusions

Writers often tell you more than they say directly. They give you hints or clues that help you "read between the lines." Using these clues to give you a deeper understanding of your reading is called inferring.

When you infer, you go beyond the surface details to see other meanings that the details suggest or imply (not stated). When the meanings of words are not stated clearly in the context of the text, they may be implied - that is, suggested or hinted at. When meanings are implied, you may infer them.

Inference is just a big word that means a conclusion or judgment. If you infer that something has happened, you do not see, hear, feel, smell, or taste the actual event. But from what you know, it makes sense to think that it has happened. You make inferences everyday. To make inferences means choosing the most likely explanation from the facts at hand.

As you read:

ü Look for clues in your book.

ü Think of what you know about the topic.

ü Use the clues and what you know to figure out what the author means.

Drawing conclusion:


I. Complete:


Tia is on the track team. She ran five races today. She won four of them. Tia tripped in one race.
You can guess that Tia ______.
  is not very good at track
  forgot her running shoes
  lost one race because she tripped



Billy picked a large, round pumpkin from the pile. He took it to the cashier. Billy paid $3.26 for the pumpkin. He can't wait to get home and get started on his idea.
You can guess that Billy will _______.
  play baseball with the pumpkin
  put the pumpkin in his garden
  carve the pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern



Yesterday Joey went to the beach. He played volleyball. He swam in the ocean. It's too bad he forgot the sunscreen.
You can guess that Joey ______.
  doesn't like the beach
  forgot is bathing suit
  has a sunburn



Katelyn decorated five cards. On the front of each, she drew a cake and balloons. Inside she wrote a date, time, and place.
You can guess that Katelyn _________.
  is sending Christmas cards
  is going shopping
  is having a party



Alex is looking at a large book. Each page has a legend explaining the symbols on the page. There is also a key to tell which direction an arrow is pointing. At the top of each page is a title.
You can guess that Alex has a book of ______.
  family pictures



Keith can do all kinds of tricks with cards and coins. Everyone watches in amazement. No one knows how he does them.
You can guess that Keith is ___.



A red hue is on the eastern horizon. Birds are chirping. The clouds in the east are pink.
What time of day is it?



Mike ran outside after it had snowed. He made a perfect snowball. He brought it inside and put it in the freezer.
You can guess that ___.
  the snowball will stay a snowball
  Mike will throw the snowball at his little sister
  the snowball will melt



Matt looked up at the tree. He saw a nest. He saw babies.
You can guess Matt saw baby ____.



Mr. Fritz ran out of his store. He yelled, "Help! I've been robbed." A policeman came.
You can guess the policeman ___.
  bought something in Mr. Fritz's store
  ran after the thief
  ignored Mr. Fritz's cries for help



Drawing conclusion:

Test-Answer key


1.                C

2.                C

3.                C

4.                C

5.                B

6.                A

7.                B

8.                A

9.                C

10.             B



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