Module 2 - Lesson 2

Fact and opinion

Let’s Get The Facts Straight!

There is a difference between FACT and OPINION.

*     Facts are statements that can be proven.

*     Opinions can not be proven.  They are based on someone's thoughts, their feelings and their understanding.

*     Though you may be able to use facts to add credibility to an opinion, it is still an opinion!

*     Though an opinion may be widely accepted, that does not make it a fact.

A fact is something that can be proven by a reliable authority such as:


ü A history book

ü Statistics

ü Proven scientific law

ü Measurements

ü Governmental law

ü Mathematics

ü An observation




A fact is something that is true about a subject and can be tested or proven. Look for clues such as: “56% of...., or "The patient experienced..."

An opinion is what someone thinks about that subject. Look for clues such as: "I believe...", "It's obvious...", or "They should..."

Fact and opinion

Practicing exercise

I. Write fact if the sentence is a fact. Write opinion if the sentence is an opinion.

  1. I am going to make a better grade on the math test than anyone else.
  2. Computer games quickly become boring.
  3. Dylan threw the ball to the pitcher.
  4. A statement ends with a period.
  5. Robert Louis Stevenson was a very good writer.
  6. If the president dies in office, the vice president becomes the president.
  7. A table with eight chairs was delivered to our house yesterday.
  8. Airplanes and subways are two types of transportation.
  9. Thomas' head looks too big for his body.
  10. Your art project looks like the victim of a farming accident.

Fact and opinion

Practicing exercise-Answer key

  1. Opinion
  2. Opinion
  3. Fact
  4. Fact
  5. Opinion
  6. Fact
  7. Fact
  8. Fact
  9. Opinion
  10. Opinion

Fact and opinion


I. Write fact if the sentence is a fact. Write opinion if the sentence is an opinion.

  1. Playing baseball is the only thing that matters in the world.
  2. The New York Yankees have won more World Series than any other professional baseball team.
  3. Kathy was afraid of the snakes in her brother's room.
  4. The talent show will begin at 8 p.m.
  5. Hillary Duff is an awesome singer.
  6. The cupcakes bake for twenty minutes in the oven.
  7. Computers are not as useful as everyone says they are.
  8. A light year is the distance that light travels in a year going 186,000 miles a second.

Fact and opinion

Quiz-Answer key

  1. Opinion
  2. Fact
  3. Fact
  4. Fact
  5. Opinion
  6. Fact
  7. Opinion
  8. Fact

Fact and opinion


I. Are the sentences below facts or opinions?

1. The most beautiful state, Missouri, applied for statehood in 1817.
A. Fact

B. Opinion

2. Everyone wanted Missouri to enter the Union as a free state.

A. Fact

B. Opinion

3. Which of the following sentences is an opinion?

A. John Marshall was the Chief Justice from 1801-1835.

B. In 1819, the Supreme Court ruled that congress could create a national bank.

C. Marshall also ruled that the states did not have the right to tax the bank or any other agency created by the federal government.

D. State rights are more important than the rights of the federal government.

4. Which of the following sentences is a fact?

A. In the early 1800s, the United States negotiated treaties with European nations to settle boundary disputes.

B. The best treaty, that removed warships from the Great Lakes, is called the Rush-Bagot Agreement

C. The most beautiful state, Florida, was bought from Spain in the Adams-Onis Treaty.

D. The Treaty of Ghent tried to settle boundary disputes between the United States and Canada, and was the worst treaty ever.

5. Which of the following sentences is a not a fact?

A. George Washington was the first President of the United States.

B. John Adams was from Massachusetts.

C. Ronald Reagan was the best President of the United States.

D. George Bush was a Republican became President in 1989.

Read the paragraph to answer questions 6 and 7.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act caused the biggest dispute in American history. In January of 1854, Stephen Douglas brought a bill to congress that concerned slavery. His bill organized the Kansas and Nebraska territories for settlement. Douglas wanted to promote a national railroad from Chicago to Illinois and then to Kansas and California. Illinois would profit from the project.

6. Which of the following sentences above is not a fact?

A. The Kansas-Nebraska Act caused the biggest dispute in American history.

B. In January of 1854, Stephen Douglas brought a bill to congress that concerned slavery.

C. His bill organized the Kansas and Nebraska territories for settlement.

D. Douglas wanted to promote a national railroad from Chicago to Illinois and then to Kansas and California.

7. Which opinion word is used in the paragraph?

A. organized

B. slavery

C. biggest

D. project

8. Which of the following is not a fact about frogs?

A. Some frogs are green.

B. All frogs are slimy.

C. Frogs can jump.

D. Frogs need water to survive.

9. Which of the following is not an opinion about the United States?

A. The United States is the worst place on earth to live.

B. The United States is located North of the equator.

C. The people of the United States work harder than people from any other country.

D. The United States of America has the best leader in the world.

10. Which of the following is not a fact about The Amendments to the Constitution?

A. The 15th amendment prohibited federal and state governments from denying the vote to anyone who was a different race or color.

B. The first amendment includes the freedoms of speech, press, assembly, religion and petition.

C. The 13th amendment provided for the freedom of the slaves in the United States.

D. The 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote, was the worst amendment in U.S. history.

Fact and opinion

Test-Answer key

1. B

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. B

10. D

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