Module 2 - Lesson 4

Sequence of events

Sequence is the order in which events happen. Certain words can be sequence clues.

 Time-Order Words like: first, next, then, finally.

 Time-Order Expression like: in the morning, after that, later that day, two weeks later

 Other Time Words like: yesterday, Saturday, April, winter


List of Time-Order Words

  1. One reason
  2. First
  3. For example
  4. One example
  5. To begin with
  6. To start with
  7. Second
  8. Third
  9. Another reason
  10. Also
  11. Another example
  12. As well as
  13. Too
  14. In addition
  15. Additionally
  16. Last
  17. Finally
  18. In conclusion
  19. In summary
  20. In short
  21. So you can see
  22. As one can see
  23. To summarize
  24. Hence
  25. Then
  26. Next


Sequence of events

Practicing exercise

I.Fill in the blanks to put the group of sentences in order. The first step is numbered for you.




After choosing the size and shape, lay out the center line for the tunnel on paper.



To build a tunnel, one must follow these steps.



First, choose the best route by using a geological survey.



Using the center line, mark the beginning and the end of the tunnel on the ground.



Next, decide on the size and shape of the tunnel.



Finally, start digging the tunnel.






This morning Cole woke up with a sore throat.



After Cole returned home, he took a nap until suppertime.



Cole saw the doctor before noon.



Cole's mother checked to see if he had a fever.



Because Cole had a fever, his mother called the doctor.






The silk becomes solid after it comes in contact with the air.



Spiders' abdomens have spinning organs that contain many tiny holes.



Spiders make silk from certain glands located in the abdomen.



The silk is forced through the tiny holes.



The silk comes out in liquid form.



Sequence of events

Practicing exercise_Answer key






After choosing the size and shape, lay out the center line for the tunnel on paper.



To build a tunnel, one must follow these steps.



First, choose the best route by using a geological survey.



Using the center line, mark the beginning and the end of the tunnel on the ground.



Next, decide on the size and shape of the tunnel.



Finally, start digging the tunnel.







This morning Cole woke up with a sore throat.



After Cole returned home, he took a nap until suppertime.



Cole saw the doctor before noon.



Cole's mother checked to see if he had a fever.



Because Cole had a fever, his mother called the doctor.







The silk becomes solid after it comes in contact with the air.



Spiders' abdomens have spinning organs that contain many tiny holes.



Spiders make silk from certain glands located in the abdomen.



The silk is forced through the tiny holes.



The silk comes out in liquid form.



Sequence of events


I. Complete.


A cheetah begins preparing to be a hunter as young as 6 weeks old. A cheetah cub's play builds up its strength and coordination. Cubs follow their mother as she hunts. There the cheetah cubs can learn by observing. Soon, the young cheetahs know the routine of hunting in the morning and evening.
At the age of about six months, the real practice begins. The mother cheetah brings home live prey, maybe a young gazelle. The cubs must capture the gazelle. The cubs only have about two years to become good hunters. At the age of two, the young cheetahs are forced to become independent. They go out to find their own hunting territory. Now, it is all up to them. Cheetahs with good skills can live to be about twelve years old, but many are not so lucky.

Put the following statements in order:




Cheetahs find their own territory.





Cheetahs play to build up strength and coordination.





Cheetahs practice capturing game brought home by the mother.

Which happens first?


Cheetahs hunt independently.


Cheetahs learn by observation.




Mrs. Jansen stood at the head of the line and gave her students their directions before boarding the bus. It was the first part of the class field trip. At precisely 8:00 a.m. they would all be on board so they could go to the museum at the state capital.
The schedule said they would arrive at 9:30 a.m. and divide into three equal groups for different tours. At lunch time they would take a break to eat and look in the gift shop. The remaining hour would be spent going back to look at exhibits individually. At 2:00 p.m. the bus would leave to go back to the school.

Put the following statements in order:




They divided into three equal groups.





They looked at the exhibits individually.





They took a break to eat and go to the gift shop.





Mrs. Jansen stood at the head of the line.



Sequence of events

Quiz-Answer key

  1. 3,1,2

            Cheetahs learn by observation.

  1. 2,4,3,1

Sequence of events

Quiz #2

 I. Give the correct ordered sequence this task would be done in:

You have just awakened in the morning.  You want to get from your bed to your car.  Please put the following items into ordered sequence:


Get in Car

Toothpaste on toothbrush

Hair comb

Sit up



Clothes on



Brush your teeth

Go in bathroom

Leave bathroom

Leave house




Stand up on floor

Sequence of events

Quiz #2-Answer key

  1. Sit up
  2. Stand up
  3. Go in bathroom
  4. Toothpaste on brush
  5. Brush your teeth
  6. Mouthwash
  7. Shower
  8. Deodorant
  9. Comb hair
  10. Leave bathroom
  11. Clothes on
  12. Shoes on
  13. Breakfast
  14. Wallet/Purse
  15. Keys
  16. Leave house
  17. Get in car

Sequence of events


Directions: Shown below are the six steps in fixing a flat tire in your bicycle. However, the steps are all jumbled up. Read these steps and answer the following questions.
1. Connect the air pump to the tire.
2. Enjoy your bike ride!
3. Notice that your tire is flat.
4. Remove the pump from your tire.
5. Pump the air into the tire.
6. Buy an air pump.

Question 1

Which step should come first in the above sequence?

A.        Enjoy your bike ride!         

B.        Connect the air pump to the tire.

C.        Remove the pump from your tire.          

D.       Notice that your tire is flat.


Question 2

Which step should come second in the above sequence?

A.        Remove the pump from your tire.          

B.        Buy an air pump.

C.        Connect the air pump to the tire.

D.       Enjoy your bike ride!

Question 3

Which step should come last in the above sequence?

A.        Enjoy your bike ride!         

B.        Pump the air into the tire.

C.        Buy an air pump.    

D.       Remove the pump from your tire.

Question 4

What will you do next after pumping the air into the tire?

A.        Enjoy your bike ride!         

B.        Buy an air pump.

C.        Remove the pump from your tire.          

D.       Notice that your tire is flat.

Question 5

What will you do next after connecting the air pump to the tire?

A.        Notice that your tire is flat.          

B.        Pump the air into the tire.

C.        Enjoy your bike ride!         

D.       Buy an air pump.

Sequence of events

Test-Answer key

Question No














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