Module 3 - Lesson 6



 Here are two senses of metaphor: 

  1. A metaphor is the expression of an understanding of one concept in terms of another concept, where there is some similarity or correlation between the two.
  2. A metaphor is the understanding itself of one concept in terms of another.



The following sentences illustrate how the metaphorical understanding of anger-as-fire is expressed:

    • Your insincere apology just added fuel to the fire.
    • After the argument, Dave was smoldering for days.

·        Boy, am I burned up!


Metaphor is when you use two nouns and compare or contrast them to one another. Unlike simile, you don't use "like" or "as" in the comparison.

~~I am a rainbow.

"I am a rainbow" is an example of metaphor because it is comparing two nouns, a person, and a rainbow, but does not use like or as.



Practicing exercise


I. Select the choice that explains the meaning of the metaphor as it is used in the sentence.

1.         Walter is a real couch potato.
The metaphor couch potato:
  Walter is lazy.
  Walter likes to go outside and play.
  Walter is always busy with some activity.

2.         The bull was boiling mad.
The metaphor boiling mad:
  The bull was very hot.
  The bull was content.
  The bull was upset.

3.         Our new neighbor is an ogre as he constantly yells at us.
The metaphor neighbor is an ogre:
  The neighbor is part of a fairy tale.
  The neighbor is mean.
  The neighbor is nice.

4.         That clever idea will be a vehicle for change at the school.
The metaphor vehicle for change:

 The idea was bad.
  It was such a great idea that it will actually improve the school.
  The school makes cars.

5.         Whenever Mark sees a poor person, a fire burns in his soul to do something to help.
The metaphor fire burns in his soul:
  Mark doesn't care to do anything to help.
  Mark gets excited to help.
  Mark makes plans for other people to get a job.

6.         Jessica's eyes are homes of prayer.
The metaphor eyes are homes of prayer:
  Jessica's eyes are brown.
  Jessica is in church.
  Jessica's a prayerful person and one can figuratively see that in her eyes.

7.         Tanya's baby is such an angel because all she does is eat and sleep.
The metaphor baby is such an angel:
  Tanya's baby died.
  Tanya's baby cries a lot.
  Tanya's baby is very good.

8.         The stars were diamonds in the nighttime sky.
The metaphor stars were diamonds:
  The stars were bright and sparkling.
  The stars are not out tonight.
  The stars are expensive.

9.         The pitcher on our hometown team is at the height of his career.
The metaphor height of his career:
  The pitcher is ready to quit.
  The pitcher is at his best.
  The pitcher is losing every game.

10.       When it came to historical facts, Terry was a walking encyclopedia.
The metaphor Terry was a walking encyclopedia:
  Terry was a character in a book.
  Terry made up facts that weren't true.
  Terry knew a lot of facts about history.



Practicing exercise-Answer key

  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C



1. My little brother’s ate the French fries very quickly and left no crumbs, nor a trace of salt. His mouth was a vacuum cleaner.

His mouth was a vacuum cleaner is a…

A. metaphor

B. simile

C. idiom

2. We had to line up in a queue which wasn’t much fun. The queue was as slow moving as a turtle crossing muddy ground.

The queue was as slow moving as a turtle is a…

A. metaphor

B. simile

C. idiom

3. It was a very sunny day at the coast. The sea glittered like diamonds under lights.

The sea glittered like diamonds under lights is a…

A. metaphor

B. simile

C. idiom

4. We stayed on the beach until the sun went down. The beach is our playground and the sun our closing sign.

The beach is our playground and the sun our closing sign is a…

A. metaphor

B. simile

C. idiom

5. The avalanche came thundering down the mountain. Like a huge wave of white foamy water it covered everything in its path.

Like a huge wave of white foamy water is a....

A. metaphor

B. simile

C. idiom

6. Matthew caught the ball in his outstretched hand and fell to the ground. What a great catch! Matthew has the hands of a monkey that swings from branch to branch in the trees.

Matthew has the hands of a monkey is a…

A. metaphor

B. simile

C. idiom

7. My sister’s agility is amazing. She is a cat. She can leap effortlessly through the air and still land on her feet.

My sister’s agility is amazing. She is a cat is a…

A. metaphor

B. simile

C. idiom

8. Our new coach is like a mythical, fire-breathing, scaly beast that swoops down out the clouds. He is very difficult to get along with.

Our coach is like a fire-breathing, scaly beast is a…

A. metaphor

B. simile

C. idiom

9. I had no idea that seagulls were that fast. Quick as a flash the chip in my hand disappeared.

Quick as a flash is a…

A. metaphor

B. simile

C. idiom



Quiz-Answer Key:

1. A

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. B

9. B




 I. Decide whether each sentence contains a simile or a metaphor. Write the word SIMILE if the sentence contains a simile. Write the word METAPHOR if the sentence contains a metaphor.

1. The baby was like an octopus, grabbing at all the cans on the grocery store shelves.

2. As the teacher entered the room she muttered under her breath, "This class is like a three-ring circus!"

3. The giant’s steps were thunder as he ran toward Jack.

4. The pillow was a cloud when I put my head upon it after a long day.

5. I feel like a limp dishrag.

6. Those girls are like two peas in a pod.

7. The fluorescent light was the sun during our test.

8. No one invites Harold to parties because he’s a wet blanket.

9. The bar of soap was a slippery eel during the dog’s bath.

10. Ted was as nervous as a cat with a long tail in a room full of rocking chairs.


Test-Answer key

1. simile

2. simile

3. metaphor

4. metaphor

5. simile

6. simile

7. metaphor

8. metaphor

9. metaphor

10. simile




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